Thursday, December 19, 2013

Rich and poor

I practice suryanamaskaram, some yoga, pranayamaam and dhyanam these days - for the last 2-3 months. Thanks to our institute which organized a yoga class, and thanks to Sri Sekaran who was my yoga teacher. 

I can actually feel the difference. I have learnt to accept what comes my way, and face it. I feel more resistant to otherwise frequent headaches and common cold. Slow but steady.

I am getting more spiritual. No, let me reword that - logically spiritual. Not blind belief, but actual logical explanations to the physical, chemical, biological and psychological facts. I love superstition bashing That is exactly what I listen to these days. I got rich spiritually.

I am also learning to be a minimalist. Courtesy : Leo @ Zen Habits. I love his principle of 'Earn less, consume less'. I got poorer materialistically.

Second  part of 2013 was good to me.... and so would be the rest of my life.

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